ASTĂZI, împreună cu fiul meu ....
Posted by      05/08/2023 19:45:13    Comments 0
ASTĂZI, împreună cu fiul meu ....
?ASTĂZI, împreună cu fiul meu ILeven Ngu și "domn' director" Stan Iulian am participat pentru prima dată la un CONCURS de PESCUIT, organizat de Romstal Romania pe #BaltaLagunaVerde.
?O fi sau NU norocul DEBUTANȚILOR însă am câștigat competiția cu o cantitate de 12.60kg in 6.5h (08.00-14.30)
?Bineînțeles, ca de fiecare dată, nada care prinde
te salvează din momentele dificile, iar astăzi ne-a condus pe #LOCUL1 ???

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By the time October comes around squash is in an abundance. This beautiful seasonal recipe by serial dinner party host Alexandra Dudley celebrates the squash in all its glory pairing it with a herby butterbean mash, which makes a nice change from the traditional potato. Serve this up to guests on an autumnal evening and were sure there ll be empty plates all round.

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We dont know about you but this is the kind of food we love. Full of seasonal veg and fragrant spices, this is the perfect bowl food after a long day. What makes this even better is youll probably have most of the ingredients in your kitchen already. Niki from @rebelrecipes finishes this dish off with a spoonful of coconut yogurt for creaminess and then adds a tahini dressing for even more flavour - delicious!

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